In real time laboratory checking, it is often necessary to ensure that the gauges, displays and chart recorders of different instruments are reading correctly. This can easily be achieved by calibration as in comparing the results from the gauges and displays against a known referential standard. However, this only proves that the gauges and displays are reading correctly - it does not ensure the autoclave is functioning correctly or that the load placed within the autoclave is reaching the desired temperature for the desired time. To prove these requirements a number of standard-based validation cycles need to be performed. Afterwards, a decision should be made depending on the setting parameters and the required acceptance criteria (e.g. 121°C for 15 minutes +/- 2°C +/- 1 minute).
SmartCal provides on-site autoclave calibration for biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical devices companies. We calibrate all manufacturing brands and models of autoclaves. We are able to calibrate all sizes of autoclaves, from bench top autoclaves to double door and standalone autoclaves. For each autoclave we calibrate time, temperature and pressure with an ultra-precision technique for each parameter.
SmartCal provides a comprehensive validation report package that includes a summary of all test results including deviations, the executed protocol, test data, test equipment calibration data with NIST-traceable calibration certificates. The validation report package is carefully prepared to perfectly convince you and your officials.
Our SmartCal Engineers have experience with a vast array of autoclaves and can provide you with high quality service that you demand.